Product Dashboard

To find your product dashboard, login to your account, and go to your vendor dashboard.  You'll find a link to "Products" in the side bar.

Once there you will be able to add, import, or export your product library.

If you do not have an active subscription, you will be directed to sign up in order to create products.

Quick Start Wizard

When you click "Add Product" you'll be asked to provide basic product information & images.  Completely fill out this section as best you can and click "Create Product".


Create a easily recognizable title.  This is used when a customer searches, so it should be properly descriptive, but not too long.  Tags can be used to add more search terms.

Product Type:


Simple products are exactly as they sound, a basic product with one type/color/size/etc. They can be unique, or made in batches. An example of a simple product would be a one-size-fits-all hat.


Variable Products are products with several different versions. These can be different colors, sizes, patterns, etc. An example would be a T-Shirt available in Small, Medium, & Large.


If this is a digital file, check this and you'll be able to upload the file lower in the page.


This option excludes the option from shipping.  Useful for non-tangible items.

Price & Discount Price

Price is the NORMAL price for your item.  The discounted price is your "sale" price.  You can schedule the discount price to end at a certain time (particularly handy so it will automatically end the sale).  Just click on "Schedule" to select your dates.


There are many different categories to choose from.  And you can pick from multiple categories if just one doesn't fit.

Child categories automatically include their parents.  For example, Color Illustrations will also include Drawing & Illustration, and Art & Collectables since it is nested underneath them.


Tags are useful to help your product to show up under searches for terms that a related to your product, but don't quite fit into the title.  This is also good for SEO.

You should also use this to add your "brand" or store name.  This ensures if someone searched for your products, your products will appear.

Main Product Image & Gallery

You should upload high-quality photos that show your item's quality, texture, size, and other properties.  The main image will always show in search, and will be the default image.

You can add additional images as gallery pictures, which can offer additional angles & views of your product.

Short Description

This shows in the product search, and displays toward the top of your product page.  This is optional, but can give the customer a good "at a glance look" of your product.


You could also call this the "Detailed" description.  This appears further down of your product's page, and gets into the nitty-gritty of the product.  Be as detailed as you'd like hear, giving information on how it's created, materials, dimensions, etc.



This is a unique identifier for your product.  While not mandatory, it's recommended.  Especially if you ever want to do bulk updates to your products.

Stock Status:

Used if you are not going to enable stock management.  You can statically set products as "In Stock", "Out of Stock", or "On Backorder."

Enable product stock management:

This allows you to control inventory, so the site will automatically show it as out of stock once it sells out.

Stock Quantity:

Enter the number of the products you have on hand

Low Stock Threshold:

Enter any number here if you'd like to automatically receive an email if your inventory reaches a certain amount.

Allow Backorders:

Indicate if you want to allow backorders or not.  This information will be displayed on your product's page.

Allow one one quantity of this product to be bought in a single order:

Select this if you only want customers to be able to purchase one per order.

Shipping and Tax

This product requires shipping:

Leave this checked if you have to ship this item.  If unchecked, shipping will never be charged (even if orders are below the minimum threshold).

Weight & Size:

Enter your products weight and size information here.  This is not required.

Shipping Class:

You can select this modifier to indicate if the item is Small, Medium, or Large.  This is only used if you use custom shipping prices to ship to Canada.  For US shipping, this is not used and can be disregarded.

Tax Status:

Taxable means this is a normally taxed item

Shipping only means tax should only be charged on shipping

None means tax will not be charged for this item.

Tax Class:

Generally this is not used, and can be left at standard

Linked Products

This allows you to link other products so that the be used to upsell and cross-sell.


Products appear at the bottom of your product's page


Products appear as suggestions as customers check out.

Grouped Products:

This is generally not used and can be ignored.


Attributes help your customers browse your products by sorting while shopping.  These terms appear in the right-hand sidebar as the customers explore the shop pages.

Using attributes will ensure your products show as customers browse and narrow things down.

Select the dropdown to see your options.  Select an attribute that apply to your product and click "Add attribute".  You can select multiple attributes.

From there you can select if you want it visible on your product's page, and select Values.  You can select multiple, and the values are specific to the attribute you select.

Other Options

Product Status:

Online means your product is available to purchase.  Draft means it is not, and therefor will be hidden.


Visible:  Your product appears on your store, catalog, and in search results.

Catalog:  Your product ONLY appears on your store & the catalog.  It will not show up in search results.

Search:  Your product can not be browsed, and can only be searched.

Hidden:  Only customers with a direct link will be able to find your product.